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The Kona Elks Lodge has two dining areas: At the front of the lodge is the Members lounge, and at the back of the lodge is the Game Room lounge.

Mondays - Hamburger Monday
Tuesdays - Taco Tuesday

Wed-Saturday we host a variety of meals and entertainment.

Meals are served at 6.  Guests and lodge members are encouraged to come by at 5, for cocktail hour mingling beforehand.

Consult the calendar for information about special lodge activities, entertainment, and meals on Wednesdays, Thursdays, Fridays, and weekends. 

Dining at the Kona Elks Lodge​


Please call the lodge to reserve a meal on Wednesdays, Thursdays,  and weekends so we don't run out of food!


Catered Meals
Both the Lodge and the Cafe are available for your meetings and gatherings.  Simply email and we'll give you a call.


@2017 Kona Elks #2616

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